Welcome to the Archives!


Hello, I'm Legacy! I'm an online college student studying graphic design and creative writing with a love for creating unique characters and worlds, telling stories, and making art of all different kinds.

This place is basically my own digital collection of personal works and things I find interesting as I attempt to reconnect with my long-forgotten "old web" self in the wake of more and more social media sites becoming hostile to anyone who isn't advertisers and investors. It's pretty barebones right now as I mainly want to focus on putting everything in its proper place without worrying too much about misbehaving code. I'm still fairly new to Neocities and HTML coding in general, so I apologize if anything around here remains broken for a time.


Until (or unless) I get a separate page up for a proper sitemap, this landing page will serve as an explanation of what all you can find here. It's not much, but it's what I intend to make my digital home.

About Me

Self-explanatory, a dedicated page to my entire life story and interesting facts about me. It also has information on my journey through the Internet and discovering Neocities, as well as information on my fursona.

My Blog

A place for me to write out and host forever on the Internet the ramblings I get up to at 1am, mostly concerning stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.

My Writings

A place for me to host things about my original and fanfiction writing projects of all calibers, and to give my OCs a permanent home instead of having a bunch of disjointed information being juggled between 5+ different websites. It's also a place for me to post longform reviews of various books that I've read so that no one can get mad at me for having opinions on my own site.

Art Gallery

A gallery for me to one day post the art, graphic design, photography, typographical, web design, and 3D modeling work that I've accrued over the years both as a hobbyist and in my university education. I won't be posting everything I've ever made here, mostly because a lot of it has sadly been lost over the years.


Just a random catch-all page for me to post various links to things I find and want to keep on my website.

Thank you for visiting and reading to the bottom of this page. Here is a stamp of the entire twilight movie as a reward:

Site created and coded by Legacy. Background image source.